Course on OpenFOAM. Numerical Wave Tanks - Day 1 Material (June 2024 Bilbao School of Engineering)
- Quick installation guide for OpenFOAM on Linux and Windows using WSL.
- Brief introduction to the OpenFOAM code and context, including the philosophy and general structure of the code.
- Tutorial on a floating object, creating the mesh with snappyHexMesh and introducing concepts of dynamic mesh with overset method. Download material folder
Lid Driven Cavity - FVM Code in c++
- 2D LDC solver using FVM. Hybrid differencing scheme for convection-diffusion, SIMPLE algorithm for pressure velocity coupling. SOR (Successive Over Relaxation) was used to solve the pressure correction equation. Code
2D Lattice-Boltzmann solver
- A Simple 2D Implementation of Lattice Boltzmann Method in c++. Allows the user to simulate the flow over a cylinder, array of squares or a rectangular obstacle. Top and bottom boundaries can be modelled as walls or periodic. The code was written for educational purposes as a basic introduction to the LBM models. The next step would be to write the code in order to parallelise the calculation and include turbulent LES models. Code